Lecture of the head of the Center of agroanalytics of Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

@MVA im. Skrjabina
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Students of the Moscow veterinary academy got acquainted with experience of practical work of the head of the Center of agroanalytics of Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dmitry Aveltsov. On September 25 he gave lecture on a subject "The contemporary history of developments agrarian sector in poultry farming. Large holding production fowl". The meeting with students took place within discipline studying "Poultry farming". Students of the fourth year of training of faculty of zootechnologies and agrobusiness, faculty of veterinary medicine, undergraduates, teachers of chair became her listeners...
Dmitry Aveltsov
Last position: Acting as director (Federal state-financed institution "Spetstsentruchet v agro-industrial complex")