Aleksey Buzu was not specified in the declaration by the house of 180 square meters? That the wife of the minister and reaction told Mintruda

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The minister of work accused that it built the big house on a ground in the village of Town halls District of Criuleni which the local city hall gave out it for constructions storages. So the Democracy of the House party leader Kostyuk Vasilii claims, having noted that Aleksey Buzu was not specified by this house in the declaration on the income. In the Ministry of Labour disproved this information, having noted that the Bouza will give to court for slander and misinformation. On September 26 Kostyuk Vasilii went in Town halls, the native village of three ministers of the present government — Aleksey Buzu, Andrey Spynu and Adrian Efros. The politician rented on video the house in style hi-tech, in which, as...