Astronaut and "Soul of Siberia": nine new muralov appeared in Irkutsk

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Nine new muralov placed on facades of buildings Irkutsk. They were created by 16 artists from different regions of the country. Creative projects are realized within the All-Russian festival of street art "Voice of streets" (0%2B). About it reports information agency "IrkutskMedia" with reference to the press service City administration. The house on Lermontov, 277 was decorated by symbolics of the regional center. Masters of the Moscow collective "Tsekh" Maxime Bazarov and Alert Kirill represented babra and sables. "Studying a cultural code Irkutsk, it became interesting to us to work from one of fundamental subjects of the city, namely — with its coat of arms. We solved...
Alert Kirill
Shakhmatov Boris
Kataeva Valentina
Skomorovskaya Nelly
State corporation "Rosatom"
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
City administration
Government Agency
Oblastnoye government
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