To Russian Federation conditions of payments grants on care of the child till 1,5 years] can chang

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Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation plans to allow payment grants on care of the child till 1,5 years to mothers who left to work for full day. As "The Russian newspaper" specified Rossiyskaya gazeta. Now preservation of a grant is possible only if the parent who is in a child care leave, part-time is taken. The initiative was supported completely by the head of Committee of SF on social policy Helena Perminova. In conversation with "Senatinform" it explained that if the woman ahead of schedule comes to work, behind it remains...
Valentina Matviyenko
Last position: Chairman (Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Helena Perminova
Last position: First deputy chairman (Council of the Federation Budget and Financial Markets Committee)
Tatyana Lototskaya
Last position: First deputy chairman (SOCIAL INSURANCE FUND OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)