Ruben Vardanyan detained the former state minister of Nagorno-Karabakh on border Azerbaijan

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information agency "ITAR-TASS": Ruben Vardanyan detained on border Azerbaijan information agency "RIA Novosti" the Former state minister (head of the government) of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh republic Ruben Vardanyan detained, reported a source of information agency "ITAR-TASS". According to its data, it occurred on border Azerbaijan. The politician tried to leave in Goris Province of Syunik Armenia, the interlocutor of agencies specified. But during Akri Bridge State of Acre him detained. The Azerbaijani party while in any way did not comment on these data. In this country Ruben Vardanyan consider guilty of separatism. The politician included in the list of figures whom Baku demanded to give out...