To the real term of imprisonment the inhabitant Mostovskoy district Krasnodar Territory is condemned for theft and stealing cars

@Prokuratura KChR
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Urup district district court Karachay-Cherkess Republic pronounced a sentence on criminal case concerning the 35-year-old inhabitant Mostovskoy district Krasnodar Territory. He is found guilty according to the item "in" ch.2 by Art. 158 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (the theft made with causing a significant damage to the citizen), p.1 Art. 166 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (an illegal taking car or other vehicle without the plunder purpose ). In court it is established that the person involved in criminal case in June, 2023 got a job to one of the businessmen, activity carrying out in Urup district. 09.06.2023 the malefactor, being in an alcohol intoxication...