Eugenie Nikolaevich Prilepin for the first time appeared on public after attempt at his life

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The writer and the politician Eugenie Nikolaevich Prilepin, wounded as a result of act of terrorism in May, visited a ceremony of inauguration of the governor Nizhny Novgorod Region Gleb Nikitin. Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" About it was reported by the edition of newspaper "Nizhegorodskaya Pravda". The ceremony of inauguration of the governor of the region took place in the Arena of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. Eugenie Nikolaevich Prilepin was invited to action as the guest. It is noted that Eugenie Nikolaevich Prilepin for the first time appeared on public since May, 2023 when on him made attempt. In August Eugenie Nikolaevich Prilepin reported that received a position of the second-in-command of a new regiment on the basis of a battalion ROSGVARDIYA "Stronghold". On May 6 car Eugenie Nikolaevich Prilepin was...