Geneticists of YuFU developed RNA cards which will help with fight against a leukosis

@RBK Rostov-na-Donu
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Scientists the Southern federal universities (YuFU) created sterile carriers for RNA storage. According to geneticists higher education institutions, RNA cards in enough will help to move ahead to researches in the field of fight against a leukosis. The press service reported universities about it. So, the team of scientists under the leadership of the Dr.Sci.Biol., professor of chair of biochemistry and microbiology ABIB YUFU Kornienko Igor found optimum composition of the solution, capable to serve as the DNA buffer. On the cellulose impregnated with such solution, it is possible to put a capillary or blue blood, a saliva, gomogenaty vegetable or...
Kornienko Igor
Tishchenko  Anna
Polytechnic university
Tekhnologichesky university