Journalist Belenky Alexander: "On fight with Povetkin Klitschko's team brought everything products with itself. It not hysterics, and result of experience"

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Belenky Alexander told about attempt of poisoning of Klitschko before fight with Povetkin. "If you hear that Klitschko's team arrived to Moscow with unprecedented quantity of suitcases, is the truth. In total products, they brought drinks with themselves. It not hysterics, and result of experience. Klitschko had a history with Leymon Bryuster – a subscription blood do not give, but I am responsible for words that then Klitschko poisoned. Now it was very careful. Such things occur always. When Ruis John prepared for fight with Nikolai Valuev, too brought with itself to Berlin food and drinks. Then on it even joked: "Fool! .
Nikolai Valuev
Last position: The deputy, the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on ecology and environmental control (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Belenky Alexander
Ruis John