As Kurochka Ryaba laid gold egg to which nobody was ready

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In new release of a video podcast "As the Russian hostess in the house directed the world" experts look for the hidden meanings and symbols in the Russian fairy tale "Chicken of Ryaba". And yes, it is not so simple as it seems at first sight. The plot of "the Chicken of Ryaby" is familiar to all since the childhood. But just in case we will remind: the chicken of Ryaba demolished to the grandfather and the woman a gold small egg. They tried to break it, but could not. As a result of it the mouse broke, having waved a tail. Then the grandfather and the woman began to cry, and kind Ryaba promised them to lay one more egg – not gold, but simple. At thoughtful reading the fairy tale seems strange and even absurd. TV and radio host...
Sergei Stillavin
Last position: The leader on Mayak radio station (VGTRK)
Rybinskaya Olesya