Educational intensiv for winners and finalists of the Leaders of <15> Educations </15> project started in Pyatigorsk

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From September 25 to September 28 on a platform of the Center of knowledge "Mashuk" a presidential platform INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "ROSSIYA-STRANA VOZMOZHNOSTEY" INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "RSV" together with MINPROSVESHCHENIYA RUSSIA with support of "ROSSIYSKOYE ASSOCIATION "ZNANIYE" started educational intensiv for winners and finalists competitions "Leaders of educations" which were included into federal expert community "Constellation of Leaders of educations". Competition is carried out with support of MINPROSVESHCHENIYA RUSSIA. Action united 150 people from 43 regions Russian Federation – winners and finalists of the Leaders of <15> Educations project who entered into "Constellation...