"Natural selection" recognized the best on T.O. WebFest

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The third season of comedy series about the relations "Natural selection", Institutes created with support developments Internet (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "IRI"), was won by the first prize of the largest Canadian festival of web series — T.O. WebFest. The project is noted in the nomination "The Best Foreign Web Series". The tenth, anniversary, T.O. WebFest — the main festival of a digital content Canada. It passes to Toronto within several days and includes panel discussions, seminars and open displays of web series from all over the world. It is founded by the non-profit member organization WebSeries Canada which is engaged in support and preparation...
Yefim Petrunin
Last position: Actor
Artyom Grigoryev
Last position: Actor
Julia Marycheva
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater named after Vl. Mayakovskogo")
Alekhin Kirill
Makarov Aleksey
Main activity:Science and education
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