Today Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina celebrates the 85 anniversary

@Argumenty nedeli
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Today Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, the known Soviet and Russian film actress, celebrates anniversary — she is 85 years old. Star of a number of cult domestic projects, including "They battled for the Homeland", "to Kreytserov the sonata" and "To you and did not dream …", was born in Saint Petersburg in 1938. At cinema the actress debuted at early age: when it was not also to 20, the movie "Two Captains" of Vladimir Vengerov where Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina appeared in one of episodes came out. Fedoseyeva's popularity brought a role in the movie "Contemporaries" in 1959. The charming picture became very popular, and...