In the north of Kosovo the police liquidated one of rushed into a monastery

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As noted in Kosovan police, "a significant amount professional attacking in masks and the uniform armed with the heavy weapon, grenades, on armored troop-carriers, use various private rooms and objects including in the monastery territory in Bansk" Belgrade, on September 24. information agency "ITAR-TASS". The police of unrecognized Kosovo liquidated one of rushed into a monastery in the north of edge. About it it is spoken in the published statement of Kosovan police. "A significant amount professional attacking in masks and the uniform armed with the heavy weapon, grenades, on armored troop-carriers...
Albin Kurti
Last position: Acting as Prime minister (Government Republic of Kosovo)
Glauk Konyuftsa
Last position: Speaker (Assembly Kosovo)
Alexander Vuchich
Last position: President of the Republic Serbia (President of Republic Serbia)
Khovenyer Geoffrey