Chizhevsky Philipp: "It is impossible to become isolated on any one era for me"

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The conductor and the art director of Questa Musica ensemble — that means to be the conductor as the relations with an orchestra are built and that the general between ancient and modern music "The new opera" opens a new season a premiere of "Flying Dutchman" Wagner Rikhard. It is put in cooperation with Gkbuk "Permsky opera & ballet theater im. P. I. Chaykovskogo". The musical director and the conductor of statement — Chizhevsky Philipp, the production director — Konstantin Bogomolov, the art director — Lomakina Larissa. Chizhevsky Philipp — the double owner Festival Gold Mask in the nomination "Opera / work...
Konstantin Bogomolov
Last position: Artistic director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater na Maloy Bronnoy")
Vladimir Teodorovich Spivakov
Last position: Artistic director, chief conductor (NFOR)
Boris Yukhananov
Last position: Artistic director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "MDT named after K. S. Stanislavskogo")
Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kurlyandsky
Last position: Composer
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