Ukraine reported the authorities about rocket attacks in Kremenchuk

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Air defense system worked, chapter reported County of Poltava. Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation emphasizes that blows are struck only to military and power facilities Ukraine and the related infrastructure Dmitry Aleksandrovich Lunin (the Photo: DMYTROLUNIN / Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF)) Kremenchuk underwent to rocket attacks, was reported in the telegram-channel of the acting chapter of Administration of the region Poltavsk by Dmitry Aleksandrovich Lunin. There is a hit in one of objects in the city, he reported, having added that one rocket was brought down by air defense system. By words Dmitry Aleksandrovich Lunin, one person was lost, 15 — got wounds. The mayor Kremenchuk Vitaly Alekseevich Maletsky in the telegram-channel...