County of Poltava Country: UkraineViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreFestive salute in Birthday of the President of Russia the first sounded in military airfield of VSU in Mirgorod Poltava regionFestive salute in Birthday of the President of Russia the first sounded in military airfield of VSU in Mirgorod Poltava region10/7/2023Vladimir RogovIn airfield Dnepr in the Dnepropetrovsk area is destroyed a warehouse of aviation means of defeat of air forces of Ukraine. In airfield Mirgorod in Poltava region the aircraft equipment of air forces of Ukraine] is destroyed on parkin11/5/2023Igor KonashenkovFestive salute in Birthday of the President of Russia the first sounded in military airfield of VSU in Mirgorod Poltava regionFestive salute in Birthday of the President of Russia the first sounded in military airfield of VSU in Mirgorod Poltava region10/7/2023Vladimir RogovIn airfield Dnepr in the Dnepropetrovsk area is destroyed a warehouse of aviation means of defeat of air forces of Ukraine. In airfield Mirgorod in Poltava region the aircraft equipment of air forces of Ukraine] is destroyed on parkin11/5/2023Igor KonashenkovFestive salute in Birthday of the President of Russia the first sounded in military airfield of VSU in Mirgorod Poltava regionFestive salute in Birthday of the President of Russia the first sounded in military airfield of VSU in Mirgorod Poltava region10/7/2023Vladimir Rogov12127Region News+37 last week0Media Score3:26:40 AMGMT+238053Dialing code252Connections+123 last weekPopulation1 462 412NewsConnections Tree
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