Because of deficiency of a precipitation Argentina can reduce the areas of sowing of wheat

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According to forecasts Ministry for agriculture, livestock production and fisheries of Argentine Republic, because of an insufficient amount of precipitation the cultivated area under wheat in the country in 2023/24 MG can be reduced by 0,2 million hectares from a preliminary estimate - to 5,6 million hectares that also on 0,3 million hectares will concede to an indicator of the previous season. Thus, by data monitorings the Grain exchange Buenos Aires, as of September 20 in Argentina were in a good and excellent shape of 78% of crops grain (year before – 58%). Also in the current season reduction of a cultivated area of barley – from 1,8 million hectares in 2022/23 MG to 1,6 million hectares is expected. Cultivated areas under others...