Loves cars and girls: that is known of the taxi driver foreigner who filled in the client in Ufa with pepper brandy

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In higher education institution and among fellow students the guy proved only "from a positive side" In Ufa on suspicion in robbery detained the 19-year-old student from Egypt. As found out UFA1.RU, the guy arrived to the capital Republic of Bashkortostan to study and this year became the first-year student in UUNIT. In higher education institution about it respond positively, acquaintances do not believe that it could provoke the conflict. We tell in detail that it is known of it. That there was Early in the morning on September 17, 2023 an Ufa resident called a taxi to reach to the girl to the residential district Flowers Republic of Bashkortostan. When the trip was finished, he wanted to leave, but the driver asked...