Day of military glory Russian Federation

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On September 21 Day of military glory Russian Federation — 9 May, Victory Day the Russian regiments headed by the grand duke Donskoy Dimitri Ivanovich over mongolo-tatar armies in the Battle of Kulikovo is annually celebrated. Battle of Kulikovo — the major event in the history of medieval Russia, in many respects defined further destiny of the Russian state. Fight on Kulikovo field served as the beginning of liberation of Russia from a yoke of the Golden Horde. Teachers of history Fedotov T. N., Kharlamova Ya. N. and Maksimov N. A. with groups of the students studying history Russian Federation, carried out video lecture, in which doctor of historical sciences professor, the expert...
Nicholas Borisov
Last position: The head of the department of history of Russia before the beginning of the 19th century (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Donskoy Dimitri Ivanovich
Fedotov T. N.
Maksimov N. A.
Radonezhsky Sergei