In Krasnodar said goodbye to the trampolining coach Vitaly Fedorovich Dubko

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Shvedkina Anna Approximate time of reading: it is less than a minute Krasnodar Territory, on September 21 - the AIF-South. In Krasnodar on September 21 said goodbye to the trampolining coach Vitaly Fedorovich Dubko, reports "Kuban 24". The mourning ceremony took place in the trampoline center in the Pashkovsky residential district of the regional center. Came to see off the legendary trainer native, colleagues and pupils. Vitaly Fedorovich Dubko will bury on a cemetery near Lenin's farm. Let's remind, during trainer's activity it brought up the whole group of athletes. Vitaly Fedorovich Dubko died on the 88th year of life. The international federation appropriated Vitaly Fedorovich Dubko...
Vitaly Fyodorovich Dubko
Last position: Senior trampolining coach (PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "KKFPB")
Eugenie Mikhaylovich Naumov
Main activity:Official
Shvedkina Anna