On Sakhalin Region the gone berry-picker was found with help by Air UAVs

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Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, on September 21, online portal "Citysakh.ru". The man who has left behind cowberry, it was necessary to look for with help a kvadrokopter. Incident happened in Nogliki district near port Kaigang. Cowberry shrubs are in these parts located and many people come here posobirat this berry. People of one — the district here hilly, marshy do not consider, it is a lot of burned forests. Local say that it is not enough reference points, and difficult to move because of the tumbled-down trees, streams and bogs. And from time to time it happens that people get to this natural trap. The last case occurred at the beginning of a week. For...
Youri Velichko
Last position: Head of administration of the area (Administration of the Zavetnoye district of the Rostov region)
Air UAVs