Dobronravov Nicholas will bury near the academician and the Minister of Defence of the USSR

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On NOVODEVICHYE CEMETERY there is a preparation for burial Dobronravov Nicholas. The grave of the poet will be in the deadlock, on the 11th site. A row located a tomb of the academician Vladimir Fortov. On the contrary – the Marshal Soviet Union Kulikov Victor, the aircraft designer Simonov Mikhail and the first Minister of Defence of the USSR Sokolov Sergei. A stone's throw away – burials of the actress Vasilyeva Vera, the TV host Igor Leonidovich Kirillov and Bystritskaya Elina. NOVODEVICHYE CEMETERY while is opened for visitors. To the people here it is a lot of. But gathered came not at parting with Dobronravov Nicholas, and simply walk. – Teams...