Two brothers volunteers from Novaya Lyalya were lost in one day

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In Novaya Lyalya buried locals Ilya and Andrey Zorin who were lost in one day. They also went volunteers on special military operation practically in one day, only were born in different days as were not twins. Age difference – two years, to one young man were 34, to another 36. As the head of the Novolyalinsky city district Sergei Aleksandrovich Bondarenko reported, farewell took place on September 18. The senior put the operator of rockets, younger served as the scout. Official date of death – on September 6. Are buried by a row on a cemetery Novaya Lyalya. Before Ural Meridian news agency...
Sergei Aleksandrovich Bondarenko
Last position: Head (Administration of the city district Novolyalinsk)