The fighter Yeremin Sergei from Novosibirsk Region was lost in zone SVO

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Date of his death and the reason are not specified during SVO the inhabitant Novosibirsk Region Yeremin Sergei was lost during execution of fighting obyaznnost. Administration of the Suzun district. Yeremin Sergei was lost during passing of military service in zone SVO. Carried out military duties in the territory of Donetsk People's Republic, Luhansk People's Republic, Kherson Region, Zaporizhia Oblast and Ukraine. Date of his death and the reason are not specified. The ceremony of farewell to the fighter will take place in Wednesday, September 20, in Culture center in Shaydurovo's village at 10:00 and will last till 14:00. Then the man will bury. Earlier BFM Novosibirsk wrote that on August 23 under...