In the Mongolian province of Province of Dundgovi passed action of the Chinese tea culture

@IA Sin'hua
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" Mandalgov / Mongolia/, 19 September/Xinhua / In somoni of Mandalgov of the Mongolian province of Province of Dundgovi on Tuesday took place action of the Chinese tea culture under the name %5C" Cultural salon of Yatszi %5C "Tea for garmonii%5s". This action was organized by the Chinese cultural center in Ulan-Bator under the direction of consulate general China in somoni Zamyn-Uud of the Mongolian province of Province of Dornogovi and the head of administration of the Mongolian province of Province of Dundgovi. Speaking at action, the consul general China in Zamyn-Uud Li Yantszyun noted that the province of Province of Dundgovi takes an important place in the Chinese...