Will complete PGU SIBUR to Kazan ENKA İnşaat ve Sanayi A. Ş.

@Biznes Online
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As it became known business e-newspaper "Business Online", PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KAZANYORGSINTEZ" (enters into SIBUR) decided on the contractor who will complete Lushnikovsky PGU-250 of MWt. Contract the Turkish companies got to Enka which acted earlier in the project as the subcontractor. Now builders will mobilize forces that in the fall again to come on a platform the BRAID. The peak of works is expected next spring — then on building not less than 1 thousand people will be involved. Delivery of object is planned for 2025. Before BRAIDS refused from claims to Siemens and Enka on 9,5 billion rubles. The court also made replacement of the claimant from chemical plant on Turkish...
Fayzrakhmanov Shamil
PJSC Kazanorgsintez
Main activity:Chemical production