Kirill Semenovich Serebrennikov will remove a sensual and gloomy TV series

@Zhurnal Teatr
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Kirill Semenovich Serebrennikov will shoot mini-series "The Phantom of the Opera" which he creates in common with Pathé and Hype Studios studio. About it reported weekly magazine "Variety". Kirill Semenovich Serebrennikov will create sensual Gothic teleadaptation of "The Phantom of the Opera" based on the novel Gaston Valeria. Aude Albano (Pathé studio) and Ilya Stewart (Hype Studios) become producers of six-serial series in English. The last cooperated with Kirill Semenovich Serebrennikov at creation of the movies "Pupil", "Summer", "Petrov in Flu" and "Tchaikovsky's Wife", shown on Cannes international film festival. And in common with Pathé studio the director...