The actress Marina Kravets endures about career of the husband producer TNT TV channels
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The Russian actress and komikessa Marina Kravets told that career of the husband for it is more important, after all if at him in work everything is good, and at it it will develop. So, with humour, she answered a question Pavel Alekseevich Volya that for her in a priority — career or the husband. Photo: Prt scr of WATCH STILL! The husband Marina Kravets became the general producer of TNT in 2021, having replaced at this position Alexander Dulerayn. Also in "Shou Volya's" program Marina Kravets told that Arkady Vodakhov with whom they together more than 10 years, is the remarkable person. "Yes, it is my handsome man! First of all, it remarkable...
Pavel Alekseevich Volya
Last position: Leading Comedy Club (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TNT-TELESET")
Marina Kravets
Last position: Radio host, comedian, singer, actress, TV host
Alexander Dulerayn
Main activity:Show business personality
Arkady Vodakhov
Last position: Producer, screenwriter
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Main activity:Communication and IT
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