At the actress Ramilya Khisamova found 2 kilograms mefedrona and cocaine. She is arrested

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Russian Federation to Ramilya Khisamova (Hisamova) detained the honored actress with 2 kilograms mefedrona and a cocaine dose after searches on August 29 at her place in Moscow, - reports Baza. "on August 29 search in Marushkinskoye's settlement at the actress RAMT was carried out by the staff of the Penza Managements on control behind drug trafficking. Ramilya Khisamova they found amphetamine and cocaine weighing 0,05 grams in the house. And under a covering of a door it cars found two parcels, weighing 1966 grams. Later examination showed that in parcels was packed mefedron. The honored actress Russian Federation was interrogated and...