Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл вручил общецерковные награды жителям Камчатки

Вручение наград прошло в рамках освящения гарнизонного храма святого Апостола Андрея Первозванного...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Камчатский край» , more details in our Terms of Service
Vladimir Gundyaev (Kirill)
Last position: Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia (The Russian Orthodox Church)
Vitaly Nikolaevich Lanin
Last position: Head (Thought of the Vilyuchinsk city City district of Closed administrative-territorial education of the Vilyuchinsk city of the Kamchatka Territory)
Timofey Smirnov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Government of the Kamchatka Territory)
Moskovsky Daniil
Dmitriev Vladimir
The Russian Orthodox Church
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations
Legislative assembly of Region
Government Agency