The All-Russian festival competition of amateur theaters invites the audience

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The performances will show creative collectives from different corners Russian Federation on September 19 in Saint Petersburg starts the V open All-Russian festival competition of amateur theaters "The Nevsky theatrical meetings – 2023". The performances will show creative collectives from different corners Russian Federation. As reported newspaper "Peterburgsky dnevnik", this year the festival will be devoted to acquaintance to new theatrical formats. "You are waited by the unusual program, active communication, bright impressions and useful experience", – organizers assured. Part of the program will devote to Ostrovsky Alexander which 200-year anniversary is celebrated in...
Sergei Losev
Last position: Actor (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Ostrovsky Alexander
Gorfunkel Helena
Tolstoy Leo
Belova Vasilii