The Azerbaijani actor took part in shootings of the Russian series

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The Azerbaijani actor Musaev Ilgar, the member of the Union of cinematographers Azerbaijan, the leading actor Bakinskogo municipal theaters took part in shootings of the Russian series. As transfers with reference to website "Instagram" the page of the actor, the series "Love Falsities" are shot in a genre of the psychological melodrama. Director of series Anatoly Artamonov. Roles played Musaev Ilgar, Marina Mitrofanov, Darya Feklenko, Nesterenko Aleksey, Denisenko Anton, Osipova Maria, Sakhanova Olga and Qadeer Saidkharun. Shootings took place in some cities Russian Federation and Turkey. Display of series starts on TV channel "Rossiya"...
Darya Feklenko
Last position: Actress
Marina Mitrofanov
Last position: Actress
Musaev Ilgar
Anatoly Artamonov
Nesterenko Aleksey