"It is more than questions, than answers": Vladimir Borisovich Kramnik after Magnus Carlsen doubted honesty of game of the American chess player Hans Moke Nimann

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Vladimir Borisovich Kramnik plaid game with Hans Moke Nimann on one of online tournaments and considered strange its manner of game. According to the 14th world champion, the American grand master thinks of a course in situations which do not demand that and vice versa, quickly rearranges figures when it would be necessary to comprehend a position better. He did not accuse the 20-year-old colleague of fraud directly, but urged to reflect on these its features. The infamous opponent in turn invited the Russian to carry out joint collecting that that was personally convinced of its chess abilities. © information agency "Agence France-Presse" / Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti"...