Chapter ASSOCIATION "DZHIM-UNIMPREZA": almost all Italian companies want to return to Russian Federation

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The president of Association of businessmen Italy to Russian Federation (ASSOCIATION "DZHIM-UNIMPREZA") Vittorio Torrembini declared that many Italian companies, left Russian Federation, want to resume work in the Russian market. According to him, since February, 2022 Italy lost 35% of the export to Russian Federation. "I said for a long time that for the Italian companies, and not only, the Russian market is very important. In it large investments were made which cannot be wasted" — mister Vittorio Torrembini in interview to daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya" told. According to chapter ASSOCIATION "DZHIM-UNIMPREZA", after February, 2022 about a suspension the activity in...
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Pirelli & C. SpA
Main activity:Production of rubber and plastic
компания Leonardo