"Any evolution assumes imperfections. It is natural"

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Scientists work under contract with society, but in advance to understand, whose work will bring to society benefit, it is impossible so society should feed many scientists. And here who should not be fed precisely — so it is pseudo-scientists, and "Dissernet" for this purpose acts. Gelfand Mikhail , the Dr.Sci.Biol., the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, the vice-president for biomedical researches Skolkovo higher education institution science and technologies. Gelfand Mikhail Photo: Gurko Eugenie, newspaper "Kommersant" — Gelfand Mikhail , you often give public lectures, go to...
Leonid Antonovich Bokeriya (Leo Bokeriya)
Last position: President (ASSKH)
Mikhail Kovalchuk
Last position: President (Center for scientific research "Kurchatovsky higher education institution")
Sofya Gaydukov
Last position: Choreographer, ballet dancer, teacher
Gelfand Mikhail
Gurko Eugenie
Network 5G