At school Khabarovsk Territory 21 children poisoned, 8 hospitalized

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Khabarovsk, on September 13 - AIF-Dalyinform. In the settlement Elban (Amursk district) at school No. 1 poisoned 21 children aged from 7 till 10 years, is brought criminal case, report "AIF-Dalyinform". Children had vomiting and belly-ache after food at local school on the night of September 8. The medical help was necessary for 21 children, from them 8 children hospitalized in infectious office of regional hospitals. What exactly caused poisoning, it becomes known after examinations. Now children already are on the mend, on September 13 8 little patients will be discharged from hospitals. "Amur village Gorodskoye village prosecutor's office of the Khabarovsk Territory...