2 700 school students from the Moscow medical classes visited professional orientation action at FGAOU VO PERVY MGMU NAMED AFTER I. M. SECHENOVA MINZDRAVA RUSSIA (SECHENOVSKY UNIVERSITY)

@Sechenovskij universitet
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School students and teachers from the "Medical Class at the Moscow School" project visited professional orientation action which organized FGAOU VO PERVY MGMU NAMED AFTER I. M. SECHENOVA MINZDRAVA RUSSIA (SECHENOVSKY UNIVERSITY) Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Children got acquainted with unique opportunities which are given being trained by the First MGMU. The "Medical Class at the Moscow School" project is realized by joint forces of DEPARTMENT OBRAZOVANIYA and sciences of Moscow, school teachers and the best teachers FGAOU VO PERVY MGMU NAMED AFTER I. M. SECHENOVA MINZDRAVA RUSSIA (SECHENOVSKY UNIVERSITY) sciences about life. Preduniversary the First MGMU – logical continuation of the project of medical classes and part of the program continuous...