The star "My great nurses" expressed emigration

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The actress Olga Prokofyev admitted interview to Boris Korchevnikov that at it never arose desires to live the abroad. Olga Prokofyev marked out that during tours abroad, she wanted to come back home somewhat quicker more often, "to give gifts and to embrace the relatives". "Besides, it everything from parents. "Where was born, there and was useful" — our mummies" so spoke — the actress told. Olga Prokofyev specified that at the time of the USSR foreigners very well accepted Russians abroad. In her opinion, it is connected with that some people do not mix art with policy. Olga Prokofyev remembered as...
Boris Korchevnikov
Last position: CEO, general producer (LLC "SPAS TV")
Olga Prokofyev
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater named after Vl. Mayakovskogo")
Kholt Thelma
Izhevskaya Jeanne