Myśl Polska: The truth is the main enemy Poland

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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The main enemy of ruling party Poland (PiS) became the truth. About it in article for Myśl Polska the observer Shlenzak Andrzej "Wrote. I came to a conclusion that the worst enemy of PiS are not Donald Tusk, Germany or Vladimir Putin. The biggest enemy of PiS is the truth", - Shlenzak Andrzej emphasized. According to him, if PiS wins elections, the truth will suffer defeat. The truth most often represents an obstacle in creation of political systems, the author explained. However without truth it is impossible to create a strong order in the state, writes Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", referring to article. The next parliamentary...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Andrzej Duda
Last position: President of the Republic of Poland (President of Republic Poland)
Адам Глапиньский
Last position: President (National bank Poland)
Petr Tadeush Glinsky
Last position: Minister (Ministry culture and national heritage of Republic Poland)
Shlenzak Andrzej
"Civic Platform" Party
Political ideology:Conservatism, economic liberalism