BELGUT on Minsk a semi-marathon

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On September 10, 2023 in the capital passed an anniversary 10th Minsk semi-marathon. This grandiose track and field athletics event, participation in which took part over 15000 participants from 17 countries of the world. Within start runnings on various distances took place. Distance of 21,1 km about 2000 athletes, including the fastest semi-marathoner Russian Federation Akhmadiev Renas, participants of the Olympic Games as a part of the Belarusian team Pryamov Wladyslaw, Marina Domantsevich, members combined Belarus on track and field athletics and the thriathlon, many professionals and veterans of sports took part in the longest running. Participation in...
Marina Domantsevich
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics
Akhmadiev Renas
Pryamov Wladyslaw
Yerofeev Alexander Aleksandrovich
Fedorov Eugenie Aleksandrovich
Main activity:Science and education