To Germany the law on a heat supply is adopted — who is obliged to replace system heatings

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After many months disputes "The law on power of buildings" (GEG) was adopted by the Bundestag. The review of how in the future the heat supply to Germany will be carried out. Short data on the most important facts Since January 1, 2024 again installed systems heatings have to work not less than for 65% on renewables. At present this rule extends only on new buildings. it is necessary to develop the municipal plan of a heat supply for existing buildings at first. Replacement of existing systems heatings is not obligatory. Faulty gas or black oil systems...
Robert Khabek
Last position: Vice-chancellor (Government of Federative Republic of Germany)
Сlara Geyvits
Last position: Minister (Federalnoye ministry housing, city development and construction of Federal Republic Germany)