Michael Dzherard Tayson called the most favourite knockout. VIDEO

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A legend of boxing Michael Dzherard Tayson admitted, what knockout its collection the most valuable, reports with reference to sport24.ua. "My favourite knockout – in fight with Larry Kholms. When I was small, it battled to Ali Muhammad in 1980 and very strongly kicked of it the ass. To me was years fourteen, and I said that I will revenge for Ali. I thought of it, than of the knockout more, but it was good. After all it did not send to a knockout" earlier, – Taysonaboxing of Social quotes. Let's remind that "Iron Michael Dzherard Tayson" met in a ring Larry Kholms in January, 1988. In the fourth round Michael Dzherard Tayson sent...
Michael Dzherard Tayson (Mike Tyson)
Last position: Actor, YouTube blogger
Ali Muhammad