Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications confirmed a data leakage of 1 million clients of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MTS-BANK"

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Soderzhaniyefinansovy products groups Indicators activity 2022: Growth of revenue by 38% to 67,14 billion rubles 2019 Growth of net profit on IFRS three times to 1,82 billion rubles Growth of net profit on RSBU for 67% of the Problem with H1.1 standard the Ecosystem of Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" Information technologies in PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MTS-BANK" 2021: The new vice-president for IT - Aleksey Klepikov the Cloudy History 2023 Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications confirmed a data leakage of 1 million clients banks Hackers allegedly "merged" data of clients of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MTS-BANK". In the most bank cyberattack is denied by PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MTS-BANK" seized millions at rating Fitch Ratings Ltd. for...
Oksana Smirnova-Krell
Last position: Vice-president for technology development of banking products (PJSC Sberbank of Russia)
Aleksey Klepikov
Last position: Vice-president for information technologies (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MTS-BANK")
Ilya Filatov
Last position: Chairman of the board (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MTS-BANK")
Vladimir Petrovich Yevtushenkov
Last position: The member of Bureau of Board, the Chairman of the Committee on industrial policy (RSPP)
Aleksey Kornya
Last position: Executive director, deputy CEO (PJSC Magnit)