Znachki-pyanse, toys seagulls, Sunfenhe: in Vladivostok there takes place fair of goods Far East masters

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Today, on September 8, at movie theater "Ocean" (the Embankment, 3) developed a set of creative and educational platforms within the international RUS_SVET festival which takes place in Vladivostok from September 6 to September 9. On a parking and with a main entrance in movie theater placed tents with goods handwork of Far East masters – till September 10 here it is possible to get knitted products, what cosmetics, jewelry, products food and many other things. Right there in one of tents pass lectures about business, ecology and music and creative master classes. On the third floor of "Ocean" and on a terrace also pass...
Vera Yeliseeva
Last position: Head "Belomorsky city settlement" (Administration of the municipal entity Belomorsk municipal district)