The actor from series "Mysterious Island" John Karni] die

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Moscow, on September 8 - Argumenty i fakty. The Scottish actor of cinema, TV and theaters, the screenwriter John Karni died. He was 93 years old. Causes of death are not specified. STV News reported with reference to confirmation from a family the matter. John Karni it is known to the audience on a role of the captain Nemo in series of 1995 "Mysterious island" Vern Jules. Also it was removed in the pictures "amateur detectives of top-class", "Sherlock Holmes" of 1965, "The devil piracy ship", "Cleopatra", "Yason and Argonauts" and others. At John Karni there were five children from the first marriage, nine grandsons and seven great-grandsons. With the second...
John Karni
Last position: Film director, film producer, screenwriter
Vern Jules
Zyryanov Gustavo
LLC "AiF-Novosibirsk"
Main activity:Retail trade