"Poison treats": the known film actor told about advantage of jellyfishes in Anapa

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Photo: MK.RU during the Kinoshok festival the actor Nicholas Denisov caught a jellyfish in the resort water area to use its functionality in the medical purposes. It is noted that the day before within shooting the actor had to be dipped several times into cold water that finally it was negatively reflected on health of a 69-year star. Now he actively struggles with arthritis in all possible ways. Thus the actor used poison of the Black Sea jellyfish as ointment, and put it on a shoulder. "Poison of a jellyfish treats arthritis... The main thing – not to fall asleep as last time when I put on a shoulder a jellyfish and closed...
Nicholas Denisov
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Mtyuz")
Raevskaya Xenia