"Hou from Mr. Klyushin Wladyslaw? " In Boston court decided to collect from the Russian 34 million dollars

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The American court in Boston made the decision to collect from the Russian Klyushin Wladyslaw $34 000 000, transfers on September 7 information agency "ITAR-TASS". Earlier Klyushin Wladyslaw was condemned for nine years of imprisonment. to the 42-year-old Russian imputed a collusion for the purpose of illegal access to computers and different types of frauds. Klyushin Wladyslaw did not admit guilt. Let's remind, who such Klyushin Wladyslaw and why to his person there was such interest to United States of America. online newspaper "Fontanka.ru" wrote, Klyushin Wladyslaw headed LLC "M 13" who created system monitorings of media "Katyusha" for the Kremlin. In the winter of 2022 agency information agency "Bloomberg" claimed that Klyushin Wladyslaw allegedly could...