In the West Ukraine detained the prior of the temple of Ukrainian orthodox church (of the Moscow city patriarchy) for publications in social networks

@RIA Novosti
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Moscow, 7 Sep – Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Security Service of Ukraine on Thursday reported in Telegram about detention in Zakarpatye the prior of the temple of initial Ukrainian orthodox church (of the Moscow city patriarchy) (Ukrainian orthodox church (of the Moscow city patriarchy)) for publications on social networks. "Crimes of the prior of one of temples of the Hustsky diocese of Ukrainian orthodox church (of the Moscow city patriarchy) are documented", - reported in Security Service of Ukraine. According to the investigation, the clergyman on the page published materials in one of popular social networks in which allegedly "offended religious feelings of believers of other faiths". The consequence at present proceeds, to the prior threatens till five years of imprisonment. On...