More than 75% of smartphones deliver to Russian Federation

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Over three quarters of devices in the Russian market in 2023 are delivered from China, the director of the department of developments reported IT industries Ministry of Communication and Mass Communication of the Russian Federation Dimitri Nikitin. Mostly it is smartphones. "If to look at statistics by this year, that, by the different estimates, more than 75% of devices delivered on the Russian market — devices from China" — Dimitri Nikitin at conference of RuStore for foreign developers told. His words are provided by information agency "ITAR-TASS". Taking into account that appendices and games of the Chinese developers are widely submitted on such devices, dynamics of these figures speaks about the serious...
Dimitri Nikitin
Last position: Director of the department of development of the industry of IT (MINTSIFRA OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Gubanov Andrey